Add more friendship to your membership!
What is a Chavurah?
The word "Chavurah" comes from the Hebrew word "chaver" which means "friend." Being part of a Chavurah – a designated circle of friends – is a great way to develop a sense of more focused belonging within the wider Or Rishon community. Chavurot offer a way for newcomers and members of long standing to develop and strengthen friendships with others who share similar interests and, as a result, these groups of friends help to strengthen the whole synagogue community.
What does a Chavurot do?
Chavurot are self-directed and typically plan activities that build community and celebrate Jewish life. Based on their shared interests, each group defines its own goals and means for socializing, learning, and sharing time together.
A Chavurah may consist of singles, couples, families or any combination of the above. Groups can be as small as just five or six people or as large as that particular group wishes to grow. Some Chavurot meet as often as once a month while others will choose to meet less frequently. Groups sometimes choose to meet in members' homes or in other places such as museums, parks, restaurants or a theater. In the past, Or Rishon Chavurot have shared some of the following activities or reasons to gather:
- Holidays and lifecycle events
- Social activities such as dinners, theater, trips to museums
- Attending services and Temple functions as a group
- Joining together in projects to serve the synagogue
- Providing comfort and support for one another during difficult times
How do I join a Chavurah?
A Chavurah is formed based on the interests and similarities of its members. Prospective Chavurah members will let the Chavurah chairperson know what kind of group they might prefer and then the chairperson will attempt to find space in existing Chavurot or put you on a waiting list until a new group can be organized. Whether you are a new member to TOR or just looking for new and deeper friendships, a Chavurah is your way to create a new extended family here at Temple Or Rishon. Chavurah membership is open only to TOR members.
If you are interested in joining a Chavurah, please contact the Temple Office at 916-988-4100 or
Fri, March 28 2025
28 Adar 5785
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