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JBook - Book Club

All of our meetings are in person at Temple Or Rishon on the 4th Monday of the month at 7 p.m. and on Zoom.  Everyone is welcome, even if you haven't read the book. We have great noshes and we love shmoozing - about the books and all kinds of other things.

Some books can be found in your local library. Ordering online usually is cheapest if you buy the books. seems to have the best prices overall and if you order multiple new titles at a time and spend $35, you can choose free shipping. They also have used books and electronic ones. We encourage you access Amazon from the TOR website, you pay the same price, and you also do a Mitzvah as TOR gets a fee from Amazon!  Go to, choose Support Or Rishon, then and are other sites for used books.

Here is a schedule of the books that we'll read thru October 2025.

January 27th - Lioness: Golda Meir & the Nation of Israel by Francine Klagsbrun.
February 24th -  Songs for the Brokenhearted by Ayelet Tsabari.
(Meeting is in-person ONLY)
March 24th - Goyhood by Reuven Fenton. (Author will join via Zoom)
April 28th - The Jewish World of Alexander Hamilton by Andrew Porwancher.
May 26 - We Must Not Think of Ourselves by Lauren Grodstein.
June 23 - The Safekeep by Yael Van der Wouden.
July 28 - Burn Book by Kara Swisher to be led by Rebecca
August 25 - The Man Who Sold Air in the Holy Land by Omer Friedlander.
Sept 15 or 29  - Nobody will tell you this but me by Bess Kalb.
October 27- The Hebrew Teacher by Maya Arad.


Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785