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Passover in the Park

Sunday, April 28, 2024 20 Nisan 5784

3:45 PM - 6:30 PMOrangevale Community Park


Join us for a fun afternoon of Passover themed activities followed by a grilled chicken dinner with potluck sides. 
   Individual AttendeePlease note: If you have more than 3 people, the family option is more appropriate for you.

Please tell us about who is attending
For the activities portion of the afternoon, we will have three options:
  • Pop Up Passover Choir/Band: Join Cantor Ben to learn a Passover song to sing before dinner!
  • Suffering Plagues and the Indomitable Will to Survive - a Teen and Adult Conversation with Rabbi Alan
  • Passover Arts - an exploration of the Passover story through arts and crafts with Mary

The Food!!
Dinner will be grilled chicken. The sides, salads and desserts will be potluck style and we invite each family to bring an item according to the chart below. Please make sure all items are Kosher for Passover friendly - no leavening, no wheat flour. We will also have traditional seder foods at the meal.

Additionally, there will be a Matzah Kugel Mania competition. If you have a great Kugel recipe you'd like to make and share, please indicate that below. 

Last name starts with:
A-L = Salads
K-Sm = Sides
Sn - Z = Desserts
If you have any questions about the meal or what to bring, please email Mary Frank.
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Mon, March 31 2025 2 Nisan 5785