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High Holy Days at Temple Or Rishon 2024/5785

Purchase Non Member High Holy Day Tickets Here

The Livestreams for our High Holy Day Services can be viewed on this page.  If the livestream does not show up below, CLICK HERE for the direct link to view.

An e-reader version of the High Holy Day prayer book, Mishkan Hanefesh, is available through Amazon Kindle. CLICK HERE to be directed to the purchase page.

Below the Livestream viewer, you will find the full schedule of services. 

Yom Kippur Services

Friday, October 11
7:30PM - Kol Nidre Evening Service
Platform: In-person and LiveStream
Location: Temple Or Rishon 
Room 1 will be available with the LiveStream for those with small children who need a place to step out during the service.
Saturday, October 12
*Please note: Room 7 will be open all day as a space to rest and take nourishment for those who may need it. The LiveStream will be playing during all services.

10:00AM - Morning Service in main sanctuary*
Platform: In-person and  LiveStream
Location: Temple Or Rishon 
*Childrens program/childcare available - ages infant through 3rd grade*
10:00AM - Youth Service (grades 4-teen) in room 6
Platform: In-person Only
1:30PM - Afternoon Service: A Service of Torah, Personal Reflection and Healing
Platform: In-person and LiveStream
We will share in selected sections of the Yom Kippur afternoon liturgy as well as hear the traditional Torah reading, Haftarah Jonah and prayers of healing. 
4PM - Sermon Discussion
Platform: In-person Only
5:15PM - Yom Kippur Yizkor
Platform: In-person and LiveStream
5:45PM - Yom Kippur Ne'ilah followed by Break-the-fast
Platform: In-person and LiveStream
Gather together as we hear the final sounds of the shofar, signaling the conclusion of Yom Kippur and the days of Awe. This family-friendly service is an wonderful way to end our days of prayer together. You are encouraged to bring your shofar (kids too!) to blow for our final blast at the end of the service. 
A community Break-the-Fast will follow N’ilah in the TOR courtyard. If you are able to help by contributing food or helping with set up for this event, please CLICK HERE to sign up.
Thu, January 30 2025 1 Sh'vat 5785