Adult Education
Adult Education

Scroll down to see the Adult Education offerings for 2023/2024. Please contact Mary Frank, Educator, at or 916 988-4100, for questions and further information.
Torah Study meets every Saturday morning at 9am. Led by Rabbi Rabishaw, Torah Study is a great place to come if you are looking for deeper study, connection, and meaning. On Saturday mornings where there is a Morning Shabbat Service, Torah study will be held in-person at Temple Or Rishon. All other Saturday mornings, Torah study meets on Zoom. Click here to view this week's schedule.
Please note: Adult Education programs are offered at no cost. If you wish to donate to help sustain our programming, click here. Choose General Fund as your donation type.
Monthly Programs
Trope 101 - Learn to Chant Torah!
Select Tuesdays at 7:00pm in person at Temple Or Rishon
Instructor: Cantor Ben Harris
Dates: 9/24, 10/29, 11/26, 12/17, 1/28, 2/25, 3/25, 4/29, 5/27
Mercha tipcha munach etnachta, mercha tipcha sof-pasuk: No, that’s not lorem ipsum or QWERTY, those are the first two trope phrases that we learn together on our way to chanting Torah! So if you have ever wanted to learn how to help perform this holy deed, come chant Torah with us. (Hebrew mastery is not required, however this class will not be focusing on the letters, so some proficiency in sounding out the words is necessary.) Contact Cantor Ben ( if you have any questions or concerns.
Jewish Spirituality Group
Select Wednesdays at 7:00pm in person at Temple Or Rishon
Led By: Mary Frank
Dates: 12/4, 12/18, 1/8, 1/15, 2/5, 2/19, 3/5, 3/19, 4/2, 4/16, 5/7, 5/21
Join educator, Mary Frank, to delve deeper into the discussion of spirituality through Jewish texts, meditation and mindfulness practices.
CLICK HERE to view Mary's Spirituality Blog
Bringing Jewish Perspectives to Current Events
Select Thursdays at 7:00pm in person at Temple Or Rishon
Led by: Rabbi Alan Rabishaw
Dates: 10/24, 11/21 (cancelled), 12/19, 1/30, 2/27, 3/27, 4/24, 5/29
We all have perspectives and feelings about what is happening in the world around us. Come be a part of these monthly conversations where we will consider Jewish perspectives on Current Events as well as share our own thoughts, feelings and challenges that come with living in these complicated times.
Registration not required.
Adult Education
Tuesdays @ 7:00pm - January 7, 14, 21
An Exploration of the Jewish Lifecycle, Part 1
Instructor: Marty Mechanick
Location: Temple Or Rishon
Description: Marty with lead an inciteful, interesting and light hearted exploration of the life cycles ritual and observances that carry us through our lifetime:
1. Shabbat and Holiday rituals–The importance and history of these, along with the ritual temple and home observances such as blessing children, Sukkah and Hanukiah.
2. Marriage and Home Rituals that include preparation for a wedding, Ketubah and continuing with home rituals Seder and Mezzuzah and Kashrut.
3. B’nai Mitzvah and it significance for Religious school children, and even adults and the unique Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah experience.
An Exploration of the Jewish Lifecycle, Part 1
Instructor: Marty Mechanick
Location: Temple Or Rishon
Description: Marty with lead an inciteful, interesting and light hearted exploration of the life cycles ritual and observances that carry us through our lifetime:
1. Shabbat and Holiday rituals–The importance and history of these, along with the ritual temple and home observances such as blessing children, Sukkah and Hanukiah.
2. Marriage and Home Rituals that include preparation for a wedding, Ketubah and continuing with home rituals Seder and Mezzuzah and Kashrut.
3. B’nai Mitzvah and it significance for Religious school children, and even adults and the unique Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah experience.
Tuesdays @ 7:00pm - February 4, 11, 18
The Life of Queen Esther
Instructor: Rabbi Alan Rabishaw
Location: Temple Or Rishon
Description: This class will explore Biblical text, Midrash and modern commentaries thst will help us shed light on the life of an orphan turned Queen who saves the Jewish people.
Tuesdays @ 7:00pm - March 4, 18
An Exploration of the Jewish Lifecycle, Part 2
Instructor: Marty Mechanick
Location: Temple Or Rishon
Description: Marty will continue his inciteful, interesting and light hearted exploration of the life cycles ritual and observances that carry us through our lifetime with a focus on:
1. Conversion and Divorce -including the importance of Torah Study, Bet Din and rituals (Mikveh and Circumcision) & conversion ceremony
2. Death and Mourning - including an explanation of the traditions around Shomrim, Taharah, Shiva and Burial/Yahrzeit
3. Rituals Surrounding Birth, B’rit, Pidyon Haben, Baby Naming
Tuesdays @ 7:00pm - April 1, 22
Traditions and Practices of Yom HaShoah, Yom HaZikaron (Israel’s Memorial Day) and Yom Haatzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day)
Instructor: Rabbi Alan Rabishaw
Location: Temple Or Rishon
Description: Join Rabbi Rabishaw for the background and back stories of these relatively new Holidays/Commemorations on the Jewish calendar.
April 1: The History, Spirit & Traditions of Yom HaZikaron and Yom Haatzmaut
April 22: The History, Spirit & Traditions of Yom HaShoah
Tuesdays @ 7:00pm - May 6, 13, 20
150: The Psalms and You
Instructor: Cantor Ben Harris
Location: Temple Or Rishon
Description: There are 150 of them but what do they even have to do with me? Let’s explore the Psalms and create our own Hallel - our own collection of psalms that speak to us. Over these three weeks, we will look at the psalms in groupings such as thanksgiving, praise, wisdom, majesty, and hymn, and take the moments that speak to us and carry them forward.
Fri, March 28 2025
28 Adar 5785
If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please contact Mary Frank at 916-926-9018 or email the office at
Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785