Membership FAQs
Membership FAQs
1. How do I find more out about TOR Membership?
Call our office at 916-988-4100. Our office staff will take your name and contact information, and someone from the Membership Committee will call you.
2. I am on a very limited income. Can I still become a member?
We turn no one away who has a genuine interest because they cannot afford membership. If this is the case, you may apply confidentially for reduced dues.
3. We want to enroll our child in Religious School, but one of us is not Jewish, do we still need to have a family membership?
Yes. The Religious School fees only pay for a portion of the cost of School. For this reason and because we feel that both parents need to be involved in your child’s education, you are required to have a family membership.
4. Do my dues include tickets for the High Holidays?
5. I am currently a member of another temple, but I would like to join TOR. Can I do this?
Yes. You can have an Associate Membership, which is at a greatly reduced cost.
6. Are members of the LGBTQ community welcome as members?
Temple Or Rishon has an open door policy to all people seeking membership in our community as a Jewish person or as a family member of someone who identifies as Jewish regardless of race or sexual identity.
7. I am not Jewish, but my spouse is. Can I still join?
If you are a spouse or partner of a Jewish person, you are welcome to join as well as serve on committees.
8. I paid a building fund at my previous temple. Do I still have to pay the building fund?
If you have already paid a building fund, you are not required to pay.
9. I don’t understand why I have to Pay to Pray.
You don’t have to Pay to Pray. Non -members are always welcome to attend services. Please understand that that all religious organizations need to raise money to operate. We have our own building for which we need to pay operating costs, including electricity, heat, air conditioning, cleaning, building maintenance and repairs. We have payroll expenses, which include our rabbi, administrative staff, and educators, and custodian. All these elements enrich your congregation, and they all cost money. We watch our pennies very carefully and depend a lot upon the services of our many volunteers, yet we still require dues and donations to operate.
10. I don’t have time to participate in many temple functions. Do I still have to pay full dues?
A big part of the philosophy of Reform Judaism is taking personal responsibility. This applies to our personal life as well as responsibility for supporting the Jewish community. If we wish to keep Judaism vital for now and for the future, it is important that we support a temple.
Fri, March 28 2025
28 Adar 5785
If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please contact Mary Frank at 916-926-9018 or email the office at
Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785