Friday, February 21
7:00PM - Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Platform: In-person and LiveStream
Location: Temple Or Rishon
Join us for Shabbat services led by Rabbi Alan Rabishaw, and Cantor Ben Harris.
Click here to join via Livestream>>>
Saturday, February 22
9:00AM - Torah Study
Platform: In-person ONLY
Location: Temple Or Rishon
Join us for a continuation of our weekly Torah study led by Jerry Weltch.
10:00AM - Shabbat Morning Service
Platform: In-person
Location: Temple Or Rishon
Join us for Shabbat morning service with Cantor Ben Harris.
Sunday, February 23
9:00AM - Religious School
Platform: In-person
Location: Temple Or Rishon
9:30AM - ORW Gentle Hike
Platform: In-person
Location: Willow Creek Trail
Join Or Rishon Women for a gentle hike at willow creek train, we will meet in the parking lot of Dos Coyotes - 13385 Folsom Blvd.
4:00PM - Shirei TOR Musical Explorations: Cyrus Trio
Platform: In-person
Location: Temple Or Rishon
Join us for a musical exploration with works by Kreisler, Beethoven, Schumann, Schubert, Shostakovich, and Piazzolla.
Cyrus Trio:
Anita Felix, violin
Jia-mo Chen, cello
Shinae Kim, piano
Tickets: $18 online and $20 door.
Monday, February 24
7:00PM - TOR Book Club
Platform: In-person
Location: Temple Or Rishon
This month's selection is Songs for the Brokenhearted by Ayelet Tsabari.
Tuesday, February 25
6:00PM - JACS Group
Platform: Zoom
JACS is based on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous with a Jewish focus This program offers experiences, strength and hope for those with addictions, such as alcohol, narcotics, food, or gambling; any addiction that contributes to making one's life unmanageable, AND families who are experiencing the effects of their loved one's disease.
Wednesday, February 26
10:00AM - Great Courses
Instructor: Saul Rapkin
Platform: Zoom
The next lecture in Professor Hayes' exploration of the TaNaCh, "Literary Prophecy: Micah, Zephaniah, Nahum and Habbakuk," continues the examination of the writings attributed to the literary prophets. This lecture covers:
Structure of the Book of Micah
Common Paradoxes in Prophetic Writings
The Book of Zephaniah
The Book of Nahum
The Book of Habakkuk
Structure and Features of the Book of Jeremiah
Unique Features of Jeremiah's Message of Consolation
This lecture is approximately 49 minutes. There will be time for discussion following the presentation.
Questions contact Saul Rapkin.
6:00PM - 6th/7th Grade Hebrew School
Platform: In-person
Location: Temple Or Rishon
For more information about Religious school, click button to contact Traci Schwartz.
7:00PM - Jewish Spirituality Group
Instructor: Mary Frank
Platform: In-person
Location: Temple Or Rishon
Join educator, Mary Frank, as we delve deeper into the discussion of spirituality through Jewish texts, meditation and mindfulness practices.
Thursday, February 27
7:00PM - Bringing Jewish Perspectives to Current Events
Platform: In-person
Location: Temple Or Rishon
Led By: Rabbi Alan Rabishaw
We all have perspectives and feelings about what is happening in the world around us. Come be a part of these monthly conversations where we will consider Jewish perspectives on Current Events as well as share our own thoughts, feelings and challenges that come with living in these complicated times.
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through Scrip!
Purchase gift cards through TOR for the places you already shop every month. You spend the same amount of money, and TOR gets a percentage back from the merchant. Contact Cecily Kane with questions or to order.